Sunday, May 15, 2011


Please excuse my last post. It was just one of those days and I felt like being dramatic about it, apparently blogging was my escape. This post I decided to do the opposite as my last and write a list of a few things I am grateful for, especially things I noticed this week.

  • THE LOVELY SUMMER WEATHER!!!! Words cannot describe how much I am adoring this weather. This week I went on a bike ride, had a campfire, went on multiple walks, had picnics, and just enjoyed the being outside.
  • My parents are amazing. You never really realize how much they do for you until you move away. I took my dad's car to Provo the other day, came back and my dad fixed my car. He didn't even flaunt about it either. I noticed when I drove in it the next time. My parents are not controlling, nor pushy, but I love how my dad still gets worried when I'm out late {probably should work on getting in earlier :/....}.
  • I love that my mom taught is teaching me to sew. She helped me fix two coworkers dresses this week.
  • I love my home ward. It is so awesome to come back after being away for a while and catching up with old leaders and old friends. Love them :)
  • I am grateful for living in a home with endless amounts of crafting supplies. This week I made some earrings out of fabric, tinsel, and beads. All freeeeeee :) (for me at least..)

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